The Frying Pan: A Podcast about The Frying Pan
From 2015 to 2018, Steve Gadlin and Justin Kaufmann played a prank on WGN Radio listeners. Steve, a real life Shark Tank winner, would pitch flawed and terrible inventions with the hope of workshopping them before pitching to Mark Cuban. Steve's inventions and business idea were intentionally awful, and his clueless and arrogant persona would push all the right buttons with callers.
42 episodes
Gun Shy
Steve pitches Gun Shy, a device that makes you think twice about pulling that trigger. It's all for gun safety! Listeners eat it up.This episode originally aired on February 13th, 2016, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 42
Steve pitches Car-Tris, a fun Tetris-style game that you can play while driving. Listeners love it.This episode originally aired on January 28th, 2017, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 41
Steve pitches Uber-Ella, an inventive business that combines the convenience of Uber with the desire to stay dry.This episode originally aired on May 4th, 2015, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 40
Chew Patrol
Steve pitches Chew Patrol, a surgically embedded wearable that screams in your ear when you eat too much. Listeners hate it.This episode originally aired on WGN Radio on August 8th, 2015, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 39
Corn Milk
Steve pitches Corn Milk, a sports drink that combines corn and milk. Listeners hate it.This episode originally aired on WGN Radio on April 8th, 2016, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 38
Nickels Pickles
Steve pitches Nickels Pickles, a single-pickle receptacle that save fridge real estate, with the bonus feature of a sidecar nickel chiller. Audiences hate it.This episode originally aired on WGN Radio on August 16th, 2017, and was produ...
Season 1
Episode 37
Me First
Steve pitches Me First, a selfish technology tool that lets diners bypass restaurants' stingy structure. Listeners hate it.This episode of The Frying Pan originally aired on January 30th, 2016, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 36
Stink Alert!
Steve pitches Stink Alert, a noxious warning system for stinky clothing. Listeners love it and can find no fault with Steve's latest invention.This episode was produced by Pete Zimmerman, and originally aired on June 12th, 2015.
The Cobbie
Steve pitches The Cobbie, a delicious and perfectly safe adhesive that turns any food into a cobbed treat!This episode was produced by Peter Zimmerman and originally aired on May 28th, 2016.
Season 1
Episode 34
Inspire Hydrant
Steve pitches the Inspire Hydrant, a terrible and illegal invention that raises the ire of listeners all over the city - including a real live fireman.This episode originally aired on December 19th, 2015, and was produced by Pete Zimmer...
Season 1
Episode 33
Mail Mail
On this, the very FIRST episode of The Frying Pan, Steve pitches Mail Mail, a company that helps you mail things to people. Listeners rejoice.This episode originally aired on WGN Radio on April 28th, 2015, and was produced by Pete Zimme...
Season 1
Episode 32
It's a banana! It's a steak! It's neither! WGN listeners lose their gort-dang minds.This episode originally aired on WGN Radio on May 19th, 2017, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 31
Musical tattoos that only require some minor invasive surgery - what could go wrong?This episode originally aired on June 6th, 2015, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 30
Seat Yay!
Entitled brats kicking old ladies out of their seats on public transportation? Sign me up! Seat Yay, the app that lets you reserve seats on the CTA, wins hearts and minds with WGN listeners.
Season 1
Episode 29
The Handy Dandy Can Helper
Want to convert cans of your favorite beverage into lip-mutilating messy drink receptacles? The Handy Dandy Can Helper is for you. This episode originally aired on July 14th, 2017, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 28
Snap Cap
Steve pitches a cap that solves the problem of having to buy new hats for every lid orientation. It's the Snap Cap! Buy four!This episode originally aired on May 21st, 2016, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 27
The Star Wars Banana Peeler
Steve pitches The Star Wars Banana Peeler, a dangerous and unnecessary fruit peeler with a frivolous Star Wars tie-in. WGN listeners bust arteries explaining why he's a terrible person.This episode originally aired on May 14th, 2016, an...
Season 1
Episode 26
Steve pitches S'Greats, a new boot / skate hybrid... or something? It's unclear. Anyway, it's an absolutely terrible invention, and callers tell him he's stupid.This episode originally aired on August 28th, 2015, and was produced by Pet...
Season 1
Episode 25
Wonderpants Drawer
Steve pitches the Wonderpants Drawer, a super easy way to replace your full underpants drawer on a monthly basis.This episode originally aired May 27th, 2015, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 24
Steve pitches special underpants that mask flatulence with a loud thunder clap noise.This episode originally aired on August 14th, 2015, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 23
Time Cap
Steve pitches a long brimmed cap with a digital time readout so you always know what time it is. WGN listeners think it's perfect, and have absolutely no criticism to offer.This episode originally aired on July 9th, 2016, and was produc...
Season 1
Episode 22
No Melt Ice Cream
Steve pitches No Melt Ice Cream, a mashed potato-based dessert that no one will love.This episode originally aired on June 4th, 2016, and was produced by Pete Zimmerman.
Season 1
Episode 21
The Unnamed Teeth App
Steve pitches an app that helps you figure out if there's something in your teeth without having to ask your date. WGN listeners call in to say how cool and smart Steve is, as always.This episode originally aired on May 20th, 2015, and ...
Season 1
Episode 20